Amandla! The Story of Nelson Mandela – Free Performance by Award-Winning Integrated Freewheelers Theatre

Amandla! – The Story of Nelson Mandela
Free performance by Freewheelers Theatre
on Friday 19th January at 7pm
featuring disabled and non disabled actors
at Burview Hall, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
All welcome please ? Piers 07981 450 320 for tickets

The story of Nelson Mandela – Written and directed by Chris Haydon
Following its hugely successful premier in 2015, Amadla! has been re-worked for schools and studio theatres, and will be touring in 2017.
“Struggle is my life.”
Amandla! (Power to the People) charts the remarkable life of Nelson Mandela. From his tribal boyhood and education in Methodist missionary establishments, to his time as a freedom fighter, through the Robben Island years, to the peak of his fame as President of South Africa.
Re-imagined by Frewheelers’ company of disabled and non-disabled performers, this momentous tale of struggle, hope and inspiration finds new resonance with a cast who themselves understand ‘struggle’ every day. Amandla! Uses drama, dance, media, fine art and music to tell a true story in multi-media form.
“An outstanding tour de force” – Independent reviewer
“Breath-taking performance”
“It was far more powerful than I expected. I was in tears at the end – FABULOUS!”
“The story has been made more powerful because it’s been portrayed by disadvantaged people.”
“A very interesting + wow factor history lesson.”
“An excellent presentation of historical facts in an entertaining, modern and creative way which I think would be appealing to the young.”
“Amazing, historical, remarkable variety of methods to tell story.”