Brits prioritise other life aspects rather than work, new studies show
The workplace and career have become such important aspects in people’s lives that it’s safe to say the majority puts them in the first place when it comes to crafting a list of interests and preoccupations. After all, children have been taught ever since their most fragile years that they must enrol into a continuous learning process that will someday reward them with a fulfilling career or job, helping them overcome financial barriers in the way of their happiness.
Brits, however, seem to make an exception from this well-rooted conventional concept and have this year been the nation to put the least emphasis on job-related aspects. A new study among 24 European and non-European countries, including Brazil, China, and France, concluded that it’s not work consuming most of Brits’ attention and energy, but rather other life aspects.

Brits are increasingly focused on the highly-discussed concept of “work-life balance.”
Work-life balance is the talk of the town these days when burnout and depression rates are hitting new peaks and represent the most troubling issues in the job sector. Studies show that in Europe, 1/5 of workers struggle with similar problems, signalled by symptoms like apathy, decreased motivation to work, poor sleeping and eating habits, anxiety, tiredness, attention deficit disorder, and the list of indicators can go on. As per the latest findings, in 2020, 12% of UK residents considered they achieved a healthy and fulfilling work-life balance, compared to other higher rates across Europe. Nevertheless, this figure doesn’t come as a shock, given that Europe has consistently ranked as the top continent for the least job satisfaction.
On the other hand, this aspect represented a reason for worry and distress to over 7 million Brits the following year. In contrast, in 2022, more than 40% pointed to work as the culprit behind their weakening mental health. The numbers followed a similar downward trend, and 33% of UK workers attest to losing control over their work-life balance. Out of the surveyed individuals, up to 50% felt pressured to be free to perform job tasks in their spare time. Furthermore, as per Galup’s recent 2023 survey, almost every UK employee is unsatisfied at their jobs, with 90% of respondents attesting they don’t find fulfilment in this aspect of their life. However, the range of difficulties stemming from this discontent towards their job life is not to be overlooked. Since a job represents such a small factor of interest for most Brits, it’s inevitable and even reasonable why many fail to correctly approximate the compensation pay-out they’re entitled to if they suffer an accident or injury at work. Many underestimate these figures, even if online resources are helping shed light on similar dispiriting mishaps. Those affected by the upper management’s failure to safeguard their employees, resulting in injuries or related adverse incidents, can explore avenues to mitigate their financial losses and other consequences by visiting There’s no need to suffer in silence or tolerate any form of injustice.
There’s place for more fulfilment for over half of Brits regarding their work life
Few can wholeheartedly say they’re working their dream job and would never give it up. However, studies show that Brits fall extremely low on the list of the most satisfied nationalities regarding how they perceive their job. The average work-life balance in the country is over 50% work, and the remaining percentage represents entertainment, relaxation, and other pleasurable activities. Unquestionably, minor adjustments to Brits’ schedule could have an unimaginable impact on their lives, such as taking matters into their own hands and dedicating more time to enjoying activities or mental and physical health. More emphasis on sleeping patterns and the ritual before and after the nighttime nap can significantly enhance the quality of anyone, so making a change for the better is not impossible but instead requires a shift in perspective.
The disrupted work-life balance is increasingly upsetting Brits
Achieving the ideal work-life balance is somehow a dream and illusion for many, given today’s hustle culture and factors that represent severe stressors, such as making ends meet and saving some time for personal matters.
As the saying goes, “different strokes for different folks,” it’s no wonder that “work-life balance” is a subject of heated debate, with varying perspectives held by every individual questioned. Unsurprisingly, the Brits also have their unique way of translating this concept, with the better part considering the following things to be key to an equilibrium, or, at least, a more satisfactory work life:
• Optimisation of lunch hours, with over 60% of workers serving this meal at their desks
• Less hours spent at work and more time enjoyed together with family
• Higher emphasis put on what keeps Brits’ productivity levels low
• The possibility of dedicating more time to personal matters
• More time for fathers to spend with their children
• Fewer burnout worries.
Perspectives highly depend on genres
There’s always been a discrepancy between how genders look at work and career. On the one hand, the roles of women and men in society, family, and other aspects differ considerably in a world where one’s identity is more encouraged to be explored than ever, and the traditional gender role norms are slowly fading apart, encouraging everyone to explore their true selves. Yet, the concept of men providing and being the breadwinner persists, which is why, within the UK, men are more likely to devote themselves to work than women.
When considering the beliefs of different generations, Gen Z and Gen X exhibit a common perspective, prioritising anything other than work in their hierarchy of importance. They’re both centring their attention on different life aspects besides professional commitments, compared to the Pre-War generation, who direct their energies into work more than any other group.
Enhanced employer recognition can greatly enhance employees’ overall satisfaction
As numerous studies have shown, Brits are the first to prioritise a healthy work-life balance or the least work-oriented nation. The urge to make the most out of every second shows that Brits have no time to spend on unrewarding tasks but would instead value every moment and focus on their mental health more than any other nation.
To foster a more balanced and harmonious work environment across the entire workforce, employees must recognise the pressing need for heightened awareness of their employees’ needs, desires, and aspirations, making more room for more flexibility and empathy.