Weybridge & Surrey Community > Brooklands Radio

About Brooklands Radio
Brooklands Radio is a not-for-profit station for Surrey that can be heard on the Internet every day with all the best in local features, news, travel and good music.
Brooklands Radio aims to provide an entertaining, distinctive, eclectic mix alternative to existing radio stations in both words and music. We are committed to giving local communities a voice, provide education and training for schools, colleges and other bodies and support local voluntary organisations. We also help and promote local businesses through interviews and amazing value on air commercials to offer the best possible service.

We have an outside broadcast team which attends local charity and community events. In the past year these have included The Great Weybridge Cake-Off, theĀ Weybridge Community Day & Prudential Ride London Surrey, the Weybridge Christmas Market.
They have a great blend of good music, chat and local community information. I listen to Brooklands Radio a lot – more than any other radio station. It’s great to have on while I’m working on my computer or relaxing.”
To listen to Brooklands Radio, click on the Listen button below and you can continue to use your computer for other things, while Brooklands Radio plays in the background. Or you can listen on Digital Radio – now available on DAB across North West Surrey and Rushmoor.
have hidden programme guide which is not up to dateings.
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