Elmbridge Rentstart Christmas Concert 2018

After Concert Announcement
“What a fantastic evening last night at St James’ Church, Weybridge. Our Christmas Concert attended by The Mayor of Elmbridge with the voices of The Promenade Youth Choir and the first ever performance from Harmonia Voices.
We are so grateful to everyone who came and supported our event – we have raised over £1,150.
Thank you all.”
Tracey – Elmbridge Rentstart
Here are 3 photos from the successful concert. If you have any photos or video to add, please send them to info@allaboutweybridge.co.uk

You are warmly invited to the Elmbridge Rentstart Christmas Concert in Weybridge on Thursday 29th November 2018 at 7.30pm. Enjoy the singing of Harmonia Voices & The Promenade Youth Choir

Promenade Youth Choir
The Promenade Youth Choir (shown in the above photos) caters for singers of secondary school age – 11 or 12 to 18 (and beyond if they wish to stay). Whilst no previous experience and no musical knowledge is assumed, repertoire is always in three or four parts and members are supported in working with music and following scores.
The atmosphere is friendly and supportive, but aims at stretching the abilities of its members. The resulting standard is high. The repertoire has included music from renaissance to modern, accompanied by piano, organ or instrumental ensembles.
Harmonia Voices
This is Harmonia Voices’ inaugural concert this evening formed by Jonathan Kilhams this year. The choir is an auditioned group of singers and aims to bring singers from different walks of life together and perform to a professional standard. The choir also aims to raise money for local and national charities and was delighted to be asked to perform for Elmbridge Rentstart.
If you would like to discuss performing opportunities for the choir then don’t hesitate to speak to the Musical Director. We hope you enjoy the music chosen this evening and are inspired by the wonders of complex and interwoven choral harmony.
Jonathan Kilhams (Musical Director for Harmonia Voices)
Jonathan is an inspirational conductor and music teacher based in Surrey and responsible for five choirs, of which Weybridge Male Voice Choir, Walton Voices and Harmonia Voices are but three.
He also founded the Elmbridge School Choirs Festival which last year saw 500 children singing together in a fabulous concert inspiring them with the beauty of music.
His belief that choral singing is a universal language is infectious and has resulted in his choirs doubling in size. His friendly but challenging approach gets the most out of people whether they are first time singers at the age of 85 or children singing for the first time.
About Elmbridge Rent Start – The Mayor’s Charity for 2018
Elmbridge Rentstart are a charity who support and re-home those homeless or facing homelessness across the Elmbridge Borough. In her mayoral year, Councillor Shweta Kapadia has chosen us as her charity of the year, with the ambitious goal of aiming that no-one should sleep rough in Elmbridge this year.
More Information About Elmbridge Rent Start
Elmbridge Rentstart work with homeless and vulnerably housed people across the borough of Elmbridge. Our mission is to ‘Break the cycle of Homelessness’ so we work not just to help people secure housing, but also to rebuild their lives.
Our small team provides support and advice on everything from shopping, bill paying or accessing medical services, through to finding and sustaining paid work.
Over 2017-2018, we have given 440 people advice on housing; housed 150 people; supported 56 rough sleepers; and helped 62 people get back into work or training. In the last year, we’ve seen a significant rise in the number of homeless sleepers we have been able to support (from 27 to 56), having employed an Outreach Worker with personal experience of homelessness, whose empathy and knowledge enables him to locate & engage with rough sleepers.
As a small charity, 96p in every £1 donated is spent on charitable work, so your donations will really allow to make a difference in our outreach work.
Website: www.elmbridgerentstart.org.uk
Charities House,
1 The Quintet,
Churchfield Road,
Surrey KT12 2TZ
Email: Enquiries@elmbridgerentstart.org.uk
Phone: 01372 477 167
Registered Charity no. 1156746
Concert Location
St James’ Parish Church
Church Street
KT13 8DE
Elmbridge Rentstart
We are a charity helping local people who are homeless or sofa-surfing. Each year we house and support around 130 people and help them move on with their lives. If you know anyone who needs our help in Elmbridge or Runnymede please get in touch.
Churchfield Road Car Park Weybridge
This pay and display Elmbridge Borough Council car park is convenient for the town centre, recreation ground and St James' Church.