Former Elmbridge Mayor raises £53,000 for Elmbridge Rentstart
The Mayor of Elmbridge for 2018-19, Councillor Mrs Shweta Kapadia, was delighted to present a cheque for the amazing sum of £53,000 to Elmbridge Rentstart, the Charity she had chosen to support in her Mayoral Year.
The funds had been raised during her year in office by holding many events including a Ladies’ Luncheon, a Diwali Ball, a Golf Day, Consort’s Supper, Bridge Tea and Concerts.
The local community and businesses were also very generous with donations and sponsorship.
The funds raised will enable Elmbridge Rentstart to support homeless people in Elmbridge and will help them to rebuild their lives with a focus on employment and financial skills. Youth homelessness still is a particular problem with private rents out of reach for many young people trying to find a bedsit or shared flat.
In presenting the cheque to the Trustees and Chief Executive of Elmbridge Rentstart, Councillor Mrs Kapadia said “It has been a pleasure to support this wonderful charity in my Mayoral year. Elmbridge Rentstart is determined to help those most in need and I hope these funds will support Elmbridge Rentstart achieve its aim that no one sleeps rough in Elmbridge. I am delighted that the amount raised will house all those currently homeless in the Borough. I would like to thank everyone who has helped over the past year – their generosity has been overwhelming.”
Helen Watson, Chief Executive of Elmbridge Rentstart said “On behalf of all our clients, I would like to thank the Mayor and her Consort for their hard work over the past year in raising such an incredible amount of money towards our work, as well as raising vital awareness of the work that Elmbridge Rentstart do in the community. Our sincere gratitude to everybody who helped and supported the Mayor in making this past year so successful.”
Elmbridge Rentstart, whose mission is to ‘Break the cycle of homelessness’, works not just to help people secure housing but also to rebuild their lives. The small team provides support and advice on everything from shopping, bill paying or accessing medical services through to finding and sustaining paid work.
For more information about Elmbridge Rentstart, click on the logo to be transferred to our page for this worthy charity.
Elmbridge Rentstart
We are a charity helping local people who are homeless or sofa-surfing. Each year we house and support around 130 people and help them move on with their lives. If you know anyone who needs our help in Elmbridge or Runnymede please get in touch.