Get Fit, Get Social & Play O2 Toch Rugby in Walton at Weybridge Vandal Rugby Club
O2 Touch Rugby is easy to learn and easy to play. Touch rugby is non-contact, fast paced and perfect for both men and women at any level.
When: Tuesdays from 7.30pm to 9pm
Where: Weybridge Vandals Rugby Club, Brownacres, Walton Lane, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 1QP
Please mention the All About Weybridge website
As part of the RFU and O2’s commitment to broadening rugby’s reach and sustaining legacy for the game, O2 Touch has played an important role in attracting new people to the sport. O2 Touch is a social format of rugby, aiming to breakdown common barriers to participation, by creating an offering that is easily accessible, is played by men and women of all levels and gives participants a great playing experience.