Weybridge Charity – Applications Invited For Co-opted Trustee Vacancies

Weybridge Charity helps Weybridge residents in need, hardship or distress
Weybridge Charity (formerly called Weybridge Land Charity) can help people in emergency financial difficulties

Co-opted Trustee Vacancies

Applications are invited for the posts of co-opted trustees of the Charity, whose object is to help Weybridge residents in need, hardship or distress.

The Charity’s board of 11 trustees includes 5 co-opted members, who have exactly the same debating, voting and other rights as the other trustees, but possess special skills and experience to help the charity by taking the lead on one or more of its specific responsibilities.

There are currently 3 co-opted trustee vacancies which the Charity would like to fill with enthusiastic individuals who are willing to devote some of their time, effort and specialised knowledge to help manage the Charity in a very practical way.

Co-opted trustees are appointed for five years. All trustee posts are unpaid.

Job Description

A job description is available from:
Weybridge Charity, 
PO BOX 730,
Surrey GU23 7LL

or email : 
treasurer @ weybridgecharity.org.uk

How To Apply

There is no application form. Applicants just need to provide personal details and state how, through their experience and ability they could help the Charity fulfil its objective.

Closing Date

The closing date for applications is 1st September 2019.