1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Streetscape Scheme – Progress & Discussion
3. Dementia Friendly Community in Weybridge
4. Christmas Light Campaign
5. Progress on “Adopt a Station” and Town Map
6. Progress on Events
Weybridge Cake Off Challenge and Market on 29th April 2017
7. Finance update.
8. Parking Review – progress on survey
9. Any Other Business
New Members Welcome
Bring a friend and sign them up to the business group!
Paul Povey (Chairman)
Where & When
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 25th April at Waitrose..
Start time is 6pm and we usually finish by 7.30pm.
Address for Meeting
Waitrose Supermarket
62 High Street
Surrey KT13 8BL
The Great Weybridge Cake Off & Market
On Weybridge Green
Saturday 29th April 2017
Community Fun & Shopping Event organised by Weybridge Town Business Group, following on from the great success of the summer party and Christmas Market on Monument Green.
For information on this event please see the detailed page:
Great Weybridge Cake Off
2017 Plans from Earlier Meeting
We discussed at our January meeting our agreements that we wish to pursue for 2017.
Our Actions from our December Meeting at Handelsbanken are as follows.
1. Christmas Lights switch had some learning points but was a success.
2. Christmas Market was to be on the 10th December we will report back in January
3. The Presentation of the Streetscape scheme was successful and interesting with several positive outcomes.
4. Banners are to be erected in January.
5. Map project with Brooklands college progressing well.
6. Carol Concert 15th December organised
7. Dementia alliance within Weybridge progressing well.
January Meeting Agenda 2017
6pm.. Welcome and Apologies..
1. Update on all 2016 Aims..What do we want to achieve in 2017
2. Plan for Markets and Events in 2017
3. Progress of Weybridge Dementia friendly community
4. Progress of Streetscape Scheme The Ship to Elm Grove.
5. Town Map progression.
6. Banners and Gateway signs progressing.
7. 2017 Weybridge Parking Review..Survey..”What do businesses want”